Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I love Lehi

I absolutely love living here in Lehi! There are fun "small town" types of things to do. During the Lehi Round-up week there were activities going on every day. Movies at the ball park, concerts in the park, a children's parade, and a "big" parade. We ended up going to both parades. Ella LOVED it! The Lehi Fire Dept. held their first annual foam day. They sprayed tons of foam/bubbles all over this big field. Then they would run their sirens and that was your warning that they were going to start spraying. Ella was o.k. with getting her feet in it, but she was not o.k. when we got sprayed. I thought it was fun!


Jen said...

Wait, you were at foam/sud fest too?!?! I did a post on this as well! We LOVED it!!! Too bad I didn't see you there!! That would've been fun!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lehi as well!! I miss it so much!! If you see a house for sale, you just let me know k? :D

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Bring on the bubbles! Yeah :)

How fun I wish!