Today Ella wanted to be the baby. I could tell she was extremely jealous of the babies. John spent all day playing with her. They read books, painted outside, played in the pool, then played inside.
She was just really emotional today. She wanted to be held like a baby and she also wanted a bottle (not a normal size bottle) she wanted the size of the babies formula bottle (the free kind from the hospital). It is so strange how big Ella seems now! She just looks huge compared to the babies. We keep telling her what a good big sister she is and she loves it! She is always very concerned when the babies cry, she makes an "ohhh" face and then says "babies!" She has been very good and gentle with them.
At one point today I was feeding the babies and Ella also wanted to "feed" her babies. There have been quite a few sleepless nights this last week and I am exhausted. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who has helped me and had the sleepless nights as well.
We tell each other a few times a day that we can't believe how blessed we have been.