Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Place an order

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be placing a Scentsy order this weekend. Remember, these make WONDERFUL Christmas gifts! You can call me and order or order online - click here . If you don't know what Scentsy is... it is one of the greatest things ever invented! It is a wickless candle. You have all of the benfits of a yummy smelling home without the risk of fire, soot, and smoke. Please check out my website Simply break off portions of your highly-scented, soft wax bar and add them to one of our warmers for hours of aroma. When the fragrance is gone, simply pour the warm liquid into a disposable container, wipe the warmer pot with a dry paper towel and put in a new scent. Enjoy our highly scented candle wax. Since we have no flame we can put in 3x more scent than the average candle. Save big! Our Scentsy bars have 50-80 hours of scent time the same amount of time as most large candles. What makes this even better is our wax bars only cost $5.00 compared to most high quality jar candles which can cost $20-$30. Enjoy great scent: worry and soot free.
Did I mention I gift wrap for FREE?