-Favorite Book - "Disney Princess Storybook Collection"
-Favorite song to sing - "I love to see the Temple"
-Favorite song to dance to - Beyonce's "Single Ladies"
-Favorite show - just about any cartoon on Disney or PBS
-Favorite toy - any baby doll (she has one with her at all times)
-Favorite color - Pink
-Favorite foods - pistachio nuts, pizza from Sam's club, chicken nuggets and fries
-Favorite drink - pink milk
-Favorite dessert - snow cones (from our snowie machine) and Oreo cookies
-Ella can count from 1-10
-She kicks and throws balls
-She hops, jumps, can stand on one foot, walks on her tippy toes and runs REALLY fast
-She can do somersaults and balances on one foot
-Ella knows all of her colors and some shapes
-Ella can tell you her birthday
-She knows her first and last name, and if you ask her what her name is she will tell you, "Princess Ella"
-Ella sings the theme song to "Good Things Utah" every time it comes on
-Ella loves to dance and she is a good little dancer! She tries to do Beyonce's "Single Ladies" dance with all of the moves which Ella calls "hips"
-She likes to be a little mommy to her baby dolls (she even tries to breastfeed them)
-Ella loves her little brother and sister, but sometimes is a little bit rough (she tries to wrestle with them)
-She likes to brush her teeth
-Ella loves to take baths
-She loves to wear lip gloss, put on nail polish and brush her hair, even though she hardly has any
-Ella has figured out how to answer the phone, most of the time it's when I'm breastfeeding the babies and can't get to the phone fast enough
-She is scared of the vacuum and blender, yet she loves scary Halloween things
-Ella loves to play dress up, she is usually a fairy or princess
-She loves to make up songs, I often find her singing and talking to her baby dolls when she is alone in her room
-Ella loves to color and can draw a face complete with head, eyes, nose, mouth and ears
-She has very good manners saying, "please, thank you, your welcome, and excuse me"
- Ella likes to play hide and go seek and she especially likes to hide at Costco and Sam's Club (she now only wears her squeaker shoes to the store)
-If Ella sees another child her age she tells me, "that's my friend"
-She loves trains and gets really excited when she sees TRAX go by
-She's a little daredevil and likes to go down big slides
-She loves going to the pool and likes to "swim"
-Ella loves anything Elmo
-Ella likes to sit on the couch and watch home videos and look at pictures
-She loves to have books read to her
-She likes to watch cycling because she always thinks that it's her uncle TJ racing
-She LOVES to help me cook
-Ella is very independent and will get mad at you if you try to put on her shoes. She'll say, "NO! I do it!"
-She also likes to pick out her outfit for the day and has recently started to take off her clothes by herself.
-She gets giddy when I wiggle my fingers at her, she'll squeal "tickle bug" and start laughing before I even start tickling her.
-She is getting the hang of potty training and usually uses the potty at least twice a day
-She thinks that any church (or tall building) is a temple and insists on singing "I Love to See the Temple"
-Ella loves to go bowling (that is what we did for her birthday party)
-She really enjoys the zoo and knows all of the animals
Ella is such a joy in our lives. Every single day she surprises us with something new that she has learned. She makes us laugh and puts a smile on our faces every day. I can't imagine my life without her. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father has made her part of our family. Ella we love you!